Thursday, September 3, 2020

Violence in Sports Essay Example for Free

Savagery in Sports Essay Humorist Rodney Dangerfield once kidded, â€Å"I went to the battle an evening or two ago and a hockey game broke out†, yet brutality in sports is a constant issue that isn't entertaining. Regardless of whether the discussion is the about the â€Å"blood games† of the Ancient Greeks and Romans or the 2012 NFL season, there is one regular factor and it is savagery. Through the span of history games have become increasingly humanized which doesn't make the â€Å"blood games† and Monday Night Football consistent correlation, anyway one can't discuss the way that viciousness despite everything stays a backbone in sports today. The genuine discussion is who is liable for its persistent presence. Has society seen so much viciousness that sports would not be sports without it? Did the media and the commercialization of sports help keep savagery alive in today’s games? Is there genuinely enough proof to pinpoint the genuine guilty party or can we as a whole commonly concur that all gatherings are to be faulted? The creator contends that a great part of the brutality in sports today includes overconformity to the standards of the game ethic which is completely legitimate. Jay Coakley examines how competitors may utilize brutality to improve their status among companions and increase fame with onlookers. He trusts a few competitors repay their frailties with outrageous measures to substantiate themselves in light of the fact that â€Å"they are just on a par with their last game†. Consistently competitors are hoping to make that enormous pulverizing hit that will have fans leaping out of their seats, colleagues giving them high fives and mentors adulating them in group film meetings. They want to increase a notoriety that requests regards, a player with an amazing sense that rivals dread. While I concur with Coakley, it is just in a specific way. In today’s society you should factor in the media and the commercialization of sports also. Players comprehend that the success will pick up them the regard they want, however it will likewise increase a clasp in ESPN’s top ten features. Players in today’s game have a should be seen and perceived by the media since it will prompt taking advantage of a hotshot sports agreement and support bargains. Thinking back to the 1970’s players requested regard since they needed to be an intense person which is additionally evident today, yet now they want to be a renowned rich extreme person. Viciousness in sports doesn't just exist inside the members of games either, which keeps on expanding on the Coakley’s contention that competitors use savagery with an end goal to pick up onlookers prominence. Avid supporters battling against different fans for revolting remarks toward one another, wearing an inappropriate pullover in an inappropriate segment, or hoping to battle players for terrible showings are turning into the standard. These occasions are placing fans in a condition of needing, in certainty requiring brutality so as to be happy with games. Soccer has become a game that is equal with fan viciousness. Soccer fans have no amount of dread with regards to brutality and it has come the point that soccer players are terrified of their own fans. Alexei Barrionuevo and Charles Newberry of the NY Times composed an article examining the outrageous fan threatening vibe and brutality that happens in Argentinian soccer. There is an association in Argentina committed to closure savagery in soccer named Let’s Save Football, yet there presence isn't sufficient to prevent the viciousness. Actually the leader of the association Monica Nizzard, expressed, â€Å"We don’t have a sense of security within our arenas in Argentina†, â€Å"That is the reason families have quit going. † (NY Times 2011). This is only one case of numerous fans making a fierce air that exists in sports today. Coalkey likewise depicts a scene from Pat Conroy’s epic The Prince of Tides that has a mentor tending to his group in a way that places a player in a perspective hoping to make a brutal encounter. Anyway he states â€Å"many mentors don’t utilize such striking jargon since they realize it can motivate perilous types of violence† and afterward includes that these mentors look for competitors that as of now imagine that way. He is right, and yet inaccurate. For instance, the NFL as of late stood out as truly newsworthy with the New Orleans Saints â€Å"bounty program† where MSN Fox Sports cited cautious facilitator Greg Williams cited as saying, We have to choose whether Crabtree needs to be an (interjection) diva or he needs to be an extreme person. He becomes human when we take out that outside ACL. (Related Press 2012). Mentors are similarly as liable for brutality in sports as the competitors. A few mentors may not be cited like Greg Williams was, however on both novice and expert levels mentors get ready game addresses about doing battle with the enemy†¦not go give it your best exertion. The following is an ongoing disputable video of a football trainer that might have ambushed a restricting seventh grade football player relying upon your side of the circumstance. Notwithstanding the sentiment on his activities it makes individuals wonder what this mentor might be stating when the camera isn't on. http://network.ardbarker. com/high_school/article_external/lawn/new_video_emerges_of_youth_coach_assaulting_player/12191230? refmod=backyardrefsrc=foxsports Sports assume a huge job in the public arena and catch the eye of a great many watchers while affecting the lives of a huge number of competitors. A few competitors use viciousness as an essential sense while playing sports. A few competitors will utilize it as a way to pick up cash, force and regard. A few fans will root for viciousness and a few fans will scoff against it. Mentors and guardians will show their kids the good and bad of brutality in sports. With all that stated, savagery isn't doing a vanishing enchantment act from sports. It used to exist, despite everything exists and will keep on existing. All through the entirety of my perusing for this task I return to one statement from Dan Lebowitz, official chief of the Center for the Study of Sport in Society at Northeastern University in Boston†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Questioning savagery in sports offers a chance to address mankind all in all. † (Discovery News, 2012) Cited References BarrioNuevo, An and Newberry, C. (2011, Nov. 26). In Argentina, Violence is Part of the Soccer Culture. Recovered from NYTimes. com: http://www. is-a piece of-the-soccer-culture. html? pagewanted=all_r=0 This article talks about the very brutal nature of soccer in Argentina. It broadly expounds the activities of rough Argentinian soccer fans. It likewise examines how they are endeavoring to end the brutality. Related Press (2012, April 06). Report: Tape Captured Bounty Offer Retrieved from Fox Sports: http://msn. foxsports. com/nfl/story/gregg-williams-trained new-orleans-holy people players-to-harm san-francisco-49ers-040512 In this article the writer talks about the New Orleans Saints abundance outrage. It examines the first discharged statements from Coach Greg Williams with respect to the bounties. It broadly expounds on the whole tape and how it impacts the abundance outrage. Issac, A. (2012, Nov. 12). MNew Video Emerges of Youth Coach Assualting Playerkes Neon-Retrieved from Fox Sports: http://arrange. yardbarker. com/high_school/article_external/terrace/new_video_emerges_of_youth_coach_assaulting_player/12191230? refmod=backyardrefsrc=foxsports The video cut was utilized as a kind of perspective. The video shows a clasp of a young football trainer attacking a restricting seventh grade player. It subtleties the legitimate activity occurred against the mentor and how it has influenced his life. The player’s mother additionally stands up against the mentor. Sohn, E. (2012, March 07). Is Violence in Sport Inevitable Retrieved from Discovery News: http://news. revelation. com/experience/viciousness sports-football-120307. html The creator talks about brutality in sports and fans responses to viciousness. It talks about genuine fan savagery just as the viewership responses to viciousness. The creator likewise examines the effect viciousness would have on sports on the off chance that it didn't exist.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay -- Essays Papers

HUCKLEBERRY FINN The epic that I have most delighted in ever perusing was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Imprint Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel about a youthful boy’s transitioning in Missouri during the center 1800’s. The primary character, Huckleberry Finn, invests a great deal of energy in the novel skimming down the Mississippi River on a pontoon with a runaway slave named Jim. Before he does as such, nonetheless, Huck invests some energy in the town of St. Petersburg where various individuals endeavor to impact him. Huckleberry Finn is viewed as an American character for some reasons. All through the novel Huckleberry shows cliché qualities of what is normal, here and there at any rate, of the perfect American character. Indeed, even before the novel starts, Huckleberry Finn has driven an existence of outright opportunity. Americans are known all through the world to have more opportunity then any other individual. His intoxicated and regularly missing dad has never given a lot of consideration to him, his mom is dead thus, when the novel starts, he isn't accustomed to adhering to any guidelines. Huck, a classic American character is much the same as the generalization of American characters, by not observing the principles. In the start of the book Huck lives with the Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. The two ladies are old and are extremely unequipped for raising a defiant kid like Huckleberry Finn. They endeavor to cause Huckleberry into what they to accept will be a superior kid. In particular, they endeavor, as Hu...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Daoism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Daoism - Essay Example turning into an Immortal.† (Reninger). When Jing, Qi and Chen are developed, the individual can accomplish a solid perspective and body. The three energies, the regenerative vitality known as Jing, life vitality known as Qi and profound vitality, Chen are basic for keeping up wellbeing and this training helps in transmutation of these energies. The loss of organic liquids can bring about the loss of Jing, imperative power in the human body. In the Daoist Spiritual Practice of Internal Alchemy, an individual is assisted with liberating himself from wants. This opportunity from wants will bring about forestalling the loss of Jing through the natural liquids. Jing is developed by rehearses which show the individual to control his physical wants and turn away the release of natural liquids. Qi can be developed by keeping one’s brain unadulterated; the psyche is prepared to concentrate on the objective the individual needs to accomplish through the act of Inner-Alchemy. Chen, the otherworldly vitality is developed by association of the body and brain. In this training, one type of vitality is transmuted into another and this procedure is switched again to keep up the parity of yin and yang in one’s body. The three energies are used to keep up the parity of life. â€Å"The objective is to save, reestablish and tran smute the energies inside into their common express that existed at origination, to their early stage territory of Tao that existed before consciousness of the world disseminated them.† (Fowler). A definitive reason for this training is to expand life span of human life and achieve eternality. This training targets supporting a person in the accomplishment of otherworldly, physical and emotional wellness. At the point when an individual prevails with regards to accomplishing these points, his/her life can be liberated from wellbeing issue, prompting a long and solid life. The equalization of yin and yang which is basic for protecting the human body and mental

Monday, June 15, 2020

Why my wife is happy I am a Physician Assistant and not an MD

"In my life family will always be my greatest priority.I love my patients like I love life itself, but I love my family even more than life itself." - Stephen Pasquini PA-C Years ago I dreamt of being an MD. Since I was a small child in fact. To me, this would be the pinnacle of life. Stethoscope around my neck, working in the trenches. Saving lives! This was my childhood dream, as well as my young adult dream, all the way through college. Not even Organic Chemistry could stop me. I just pushed through it, head to the grindstone, determined to reach my goal. Then one year away from finishing all my pre-med training something happened: I met a physician assistant! To me, life has always been more than my job. The reason I created this website is because I love art, photography, and technology. I love kids, the outdoors and my family. I love to surf, to bike and to take my son and daughter for long walks. I like to make shapes out of the clouds, go on long weekend getaways, take my wife out dancing. I love life! If you don't know already being a doctor requires a TON of sacrifices. If you are not prepared to give your life over to medicine, then I want you to take a long deep inward look at yourself and decide if what you want is really MD. Prior to many hours working at the University of Washington Medical Center I thought to be a doctor was fun like Michael J. Fox in the movie "Doc Hollywood" or rugged like the doctors on Mash. I wanted to be like George Clooney in the TV show ER. This is an illusion. Being a Dr. means long hours, late nights on call, missed birthdays, missed anniversary's often second marriages. That last one is the part that is like the movies. Wants vs. Needs I realized that what I wanted most out of life was to help people be healthy. I love the human body, I love anatomy, and I love science. I liked the thought of popping a young child up on the exam room table making a funny face and treating their ear infection. I loved the idea of sewing up a wound, setting a fracture, being there when another human being needed someone to hold onto. Helping someone come to terms with death while helping another come to terms with life. I didn't want MD, I wanted all of the above, to me there was no other way. Finding Balance I have met more doctors who want to be PAs than PAs who want to be doctors. Why? Because there is more to life than medicine. PAs have the unique opportunity to live this. It is not about being lazy; it is not about lack of dedication. PAs tend to be some of the most dedicated and hard-working people I know. PA is the sweet spot! Where life and medicine meet in the middle. I honestly believe you can be better at compassion when you are more grounded. Having a life outside of work justifies life, it makes for a happy person which translates to better patient care. I realized after quite a bit of soul-searching that I never really needed to be a Doctor, but I wanted to feel like one. If you are on this journey to being a health care provider, just know that life exists beyond MD. It is a beautiful life, and it has fulfilled every single one of my dreams of being an excellent health care provider. And every time I pop a small child up on the exam room table and write the script to make their ear feel better, I smile. Then I go home in the evening and give my kids, and my wife, a big hug and a kiss. In my life family will always be my greatest priority. I love my patients like I love life itself, but I love my family even more than life itself. Click To Tweet I don't think I could have found this balance as an MD and I thank my lucky stars that life, or God or whatever directed me to UMDNJ, to PA School, to the job of my dreams. Being a PA is truly where life and medicine have found the perfect balance. I hope you too will give the physician assistant profession consideration as you go about life and pursue a rewarding career in the field of medicine. Warmly, Stephen Pasquini PA-C MD Versus PA Showdown Round 1 Show Me The Money! Before you read this post I want you to take a quick survey. What do you think? Physician Assistant vs. MD Show Me The Money Often the decision between PA and MD is considered a difficult one, but should it be? Today I am posting the first in a series of posts to help [] 82 comments You may also like -Infographic: PA VS MD Understanding the DifferencesPA VS MD Comparison: GPA, MCAT, GRE scores, prerequisite coursework, clinical experience, years of training and time in school, job duties, cost of education, average salary, job satisfaction, divorce and burnout rates all compiled into []A Physician Assistants Guide to Becoming an Epic FailureThe #1 Trait that Determines Long Term Success as a Physician Assistant

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Negative Implications Of Cultural Appropriation

The Negative Implications of Cultural Appropriation Samantha Mulcahy INTC 1F90 Jeff Reichheld Seminar 3 Seminar Leader: Jeff Reichheld 13 March 2016 Word Count: 1526 Cultural appropriation is something that is commonly seen around the world in the Grand Narratives of dominant westernized cultures. The cultural appropriation of minority cultures in order to construct the Grand Narratives of dominant cultures has a negative effect on those who are apart of the oppressed minorities. These dominant cultures borrow cultural elements, which is reflected in their use of entertainment, Aboriginalia, as well as in racialized costumes. All of these factors relay negative effects on minorities and facilitate intercultural barriers. In western cultures specifically, such as Canada and the United States, sports and other forms of entertainment are all a part of the patriotic Grand Narratives of the culture. What often goes unnoticed is the cultural appropriation attached to this form of representation. Specifically looking at sports teams; logos, mascots and more often include elements of American Indian culture (LaRocque et al, 2011). In the eyes of the dominant American culture, there is no issue with this. However, in reality, they have taken something sacred from another culture and used it for their own form of entertainment; as well as something that they now incorporate into their own Grand Narrative. Many people remain ignorant to the fact that dressing inShow MoreRelatedThe Double Standard Of Cultural Appropriation : What Is Wrong With Your Favorite Pop Stars?1474 Words   |  6 PagesThe Double Standard of Cultural Appropriation: What is Wrong With Your Favorite Pop Stars? While adolescents struggle to find their identity in the world, some struggle between two different worlds: firstly) conforming to the behaviors in western society; and secondly) having pride in one’s culture. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eating Disorders Are On The Rise - 1251 Words

It seems that in today’s world, eating disorders are on the rise. While this may be true, the numbers may appear to increase only because more cases are being released into the open. Millions of Americans upon all ages, every year are diagnosed with an eating disorder. â€Å"Studies have shown that 0.5 to 37% of women suffer from anorexia nervosa in their lifetime† ( â€Å"Research shows that eating disorders are likely the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors† ( Although most of us would benefit from eating not as much and exercising a little bit more in order improve our health and fitness, simply watching what you eat is NOT an eating disorder. Eating Disorders are†¦show more content†¦A person who tends to have a constant battle with an eating disorder can have unrealistic self-critical thoughts about body image, and your eating habits may begin to disrupt typical body functions and affect daily activities. Eating disorders are not just about food and weight. People begin to apply food as a coping mechanism to deal with abnormal or painful emotions or to help them feel more in control when feelings or situations seem over-whelming. If you have an eating disorder, you are very concerned about your body image, and you use food to control your emotions. You want very much to be thin and are afraid of becoming fat. The life threatening diseases, anorexia and bulimia come from an unknown cause but have been known to run in families. Young women with a family member who has an eating disorder are more likely to develop a disorder themselves. Then there are psychological, environmental, and social factors that may contribute to the development of anorexia. â€Å"Psychological effects include: low self-esteem, mood swings or clinical depression, refusal to accept that one’s weight is dangerously low despite warnings from friends or health professors† ( When you have anorexia, you unreasonably limit calories or use other methods to lose weight, such as excessive exercise, using laxatives or diet

Commercial Law Contracting Parties

Question: Discuss about the Commercial Law for Contracting Parties. Answer: Introduction: The issue in this question is if a contract has been created between the partie or not. For this purpose, it has to be seen if the essential elements that are required for creating a valid contract between the parties present and who were the parties to the contract. In this context, a contract can be described as an agreement that has been created between two or more parties and the terms of the contract have an effect on the rights and obligations of the parties that can be imposed by the law. However it is an objective question if the parties have arrived at an agreement in each case or in other words, if there is a meeting of the minds between the parties. Generally in such cases, the concept of offer and acceptance provide the starting point for analyzing if a valid contract has been created between the parties. Different offer can be described as a promise or the expression of willingness by the offeror that such party will be bound on some specific terms if these terms are accepted by the party to whom the offer has been made (Leong, 1998). It is also required that the other essential elements of a valid contract, like consideration and the intention of the parties to enter into legal relations is also present. Therefore in such a case, if the offer has been accepted by the other party, it will result in the formation of a valid contract between the parties. The law requires that the offer should be made with an intention to be bound by the offer. In view of this requirement, the statements that are made with a view to invite offers from the other party are not treated as valid offers, the acceptance of which will result in a valid contract (Smith v Hughes, 1871). Therefore such statements are considered as invitations to treat. In the present case, Alan wanted to sell the book, "Introduction to Business Law in Singapore". For this purpose, a posted a notice on his Facebook page in which he mentioned his willingness to sell the textbook along with the nodes that he had taken in the class. This notice cannot be treated as a noble but it was merely an invitation to treat as it has been made with the invite offers from other parties for purchasing the book. A return of this notice, Bernard had offered to purchase the book at a price of $150. The law requires that an offer should be accepted on the same terms and any variation in the terms of the contract amounts to a counter offer. When a counter offer is made, the effect is that the original of that is no longer available to be accepted by such party. Similarly in response to this notice on the Facebook page of Allen, his younger sister Charleen told him that he wanted to read business law and therefore she was ready to purchase the book for $200. In this case , it needs to be established that the parties had intention of entering into a legal relationship when Charleen made an offer to purchase the book. In the same way, Damien came to know regarding Alan's offer and he also wanted to purchase the textbook and the handwritten notes. Therefore, he sent an SMS to as an in which he made an offer to purchase the book. On 4 Nov, Damien saw Alan and gave the price of the book in cash. Alan accepted the money and told Damien that he will give the book and the notes to him on 7 Nov. In this way, it can be said that a contract has been formed between Damien and Alan. The reason is that in this case, all the elements that are required for the creation of a valid contract are present. Bernards legal position In this case, after seeing the message posted by Alan on his Facebook page, Bernard offered to purchase the material from Alan. However he was only ready to pay $150 for it. Therefore, in his reply, Bernard asked Alan if he can sell the material at a price of $150. In reply to this message, Alan said that he will sell the material at $200 only and in fact, he already had an offer for the same. Under these circumstances, Bernard decided to purchase the material from Alan at $200. But as he was going overseas for three days, he would $200 in an envelope and posted the same to Alan on the morning of 4 Nov. The envelope with the money was received by Alan on 5 Nov when he opened the letter box. However in this case it needs to be noted that when Bernard offered to purchase the material at $150, it can be said that he had made a counteroffer. The law contract provides that once an offer has been rejected by the party to whom the offer was made, such party can no longer accept the offer. I n the same way, the rejection of the offer may take place when the offer has been out rightly refused or when the offeree has made a counter offer (Dickinson v. Dodds, 1876). It is said that a counter offer has been made by the offeree when the offer is purported to be accepted but on different terms. In this way, according to the law contract, an offer should be accepted exactly on the same terms. If there is any variation in the terms of the offer while accepting the offer, the law considers that offeree has made a counter offer (Sinnadurai, 1987). Therefore even if the difference in the terms of the offer while accepting the offer is immaterial, still it will be treated as a counteroffer and the effect will be that the original offer will be considered to have been rejected (Kit-Wye, Yeo and Yang (eds), 1998). In this case, the law considers that when a counter offer has been made, the original offer is no longer available to such a party to be accepted later on. It is considered that the offeree has made a new offer in such a case. Therefore in this case, Bernard had made a counter offer to purchase the material at a price of $150, hence it is no longer available to Bernard to accept the original offer made by Alan, later on. Charleens Legal Position In this case, Alan's younger sister Charleen also saw the post on Alan's Facebook page in which he had mentioned his willingness to sell the textbook along with the handwritten notes for $200. Charleen also wanted to read business law. Therefore she told Alan that she wanted to purchase the textbook at $200. Alan did not reply and he merely smiled. The reason was that Alan thought that his sister, Charleen was not serious when she told him that she wanted to study commercial law at such a young age. However, Charleen asked Alan if she can give him the money on 6 Nov. In reply, Alan merely nodded as he was thinking about the performance of his favorite football team at that time. He later on went back to sleep. But on 6 Nov, Charleen put $200 on Alan's table. Therefore, the issue in this question is if a legally enforceable contract has been created between Alan and Charleen. This issue arises due to the fact that among the other essential elements that are required for the formation of a valid contract, it is also required that the parties should have the intention of entering into legal relations (Storer v. Manchester City Council, 1974). On the other hand, in case of social and domestic arrangements, the presumption is present according to which, the parties did not have the intention of entering into legal relationships. Therefore in such cases, it has to be established that the parties had the intention of forming legal relations. Another requirement that is applicable in this case is that the offer should be expressly accepted by the party to whom the offer has been made (Beatson, 1998). Therefore in this case, Alan had not expressly accepted the offer made by Charleen according to which she was ready to purchase the textbook at the price of $200. As in this case, the conclusion appears to be that a legally enforceable contract has not been created between Alan and Charleen. Damiens legal position In this case, Damien was not on Alan's Facebook account. He came to know regarding Alan's offer from Bernard and decided to accept the offer. For this purpose, he sent an SMS to Alan and expressed his willingness to purchase a commercial law material. Therefore, Damien asked Alan if he can give them the money on 4 Nov in Kaplan Higher Education. According, Damien gave $200 to Alan which was accepted by him as the payment for his commercial law material. Allen also told Damien that he will give the material to them on 7 Nov. but he gave his original textbook to Bernard and purchased a same textbook which he passed on to Damien along with his handwritten notes. Therefore, this amounts to a breach of contract one part of Alan. The various alternative dispute resolution options available and the pros/ cons with these options Apart from the traditional method of resolving disputes through litigation, several alternative dispute resolution methods are also available to the parties. When the parties are involved in a legal dispute, they may consider taking recourse to legal action for the purpose of protecting their interests. However in such a case, the parties are also concerned regarding the potential downside of the trial, like the potential time and money that has to be used for preparing for the trial and also the risks and pressures that are related with litigation. In this way, now the parties are realizing that litigation is not the only way to resolve their disputes. At the same time, the courts also encourages the parties to explore the alternative dispute resolution processes that may be appropriate for them. The main alternative dispute resolution processes that are available to the parties are radiation, natural evaluation and arbitration. In case of mediation, a neutral third party that is known as the mediator, guides and facilitates the parties in arriving at a mutually acceptable settlement through negotiations. Therefore in case of mediation, the mediator does not go into the question regarding the party is at fault in the dispute. On the other hand, the mediator helps the parties in focusing on the ways in which solutions can be found to the dispute that will fill their concerns and in this case a decision is not forced on the parties. The second method that can be used by the parties for resolving the dispute is that of neutral evaluation. In case of this method, a neutral third party, who is known as the evaluator, reviews the case and provides an evaluation of the merits of the case. In case of neutral evaluation, the parties along with their lawyers, present their case and also the key evidence. Then the evaluator provides his best estimate regarding the chances of success of each party at the trial. Another method that can be used by the parties for resolving their disputes is of arbitration. Under the process of arbitration, it is agreed between the parties that the dispute will be resolved by bringing the issue before a neutral third party, called the arbitrator, who gives his decision on the matter. Therefore when the arbitration proceedings are taking place, the parties along with their lawyers, present the case before the arbitrator. Therefore the decision given by the arbitrator is based on the merits of the case and similarly the decision is also binding on the parties. Therefore, the decision given by the arbitrator has to be followed by the parties. These are the methods that can be used by the parties to the present case also to resolve the dispute between them in place of litigation. References Andrew Phang Boon Leong, 1998, Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's Law of Contract, Second Singapore and Malaysian Edition, Butterworths Asia Dato' Visu Sinnadurai, 1987 The Law of Contractin Malaysia and Singapore: Cases and Commentary,2nd edn, Butterworths (Singapore) Beatson, 1998, Anson's Law of Contract,Twenty-Seventh Edition, Oxford University Press Lum Kit-Wye, Victor Yeo and Low Kee Yang (editor), 1998, Contract Law, Butterworths Asia pp. 202 Lum Kit-Wye, Victor Yeo and Low Kee Yang (eds), 1998, ContractLaw,Butterworths Asia S. Atiyah, 1995An Introduction to the Law of Contract,5th edn, Clarendon Press (Oxford) Dickinson v. Dodds (1876) 2 Ch.D. 463 Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597 Storer v. Manchester City Council [1974] 3 All E.R. 824