Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Negative Implications Of Cultural Appropriation

The Negative Implications of Cultural Appropriation Samantha Mulcahy INTC 1F90 Jeff Reichheld Seminar 3 Seminar Leader: Jeff Reichheld 13 March 2016 Word Count: 1526 Cultural appropriation is something that is commonly seen around the world in the Grand Narratives of dominant westernized cultures. The cultural appropriation of minority cultures in order to construct the Grand Narratives of dominant cultures has a negative effect on those who are apart of the oppressed minorities. These dominant cultures borrow cultural elements, which is reflected in their use of entertainment, Aboriginalia, as well as in racialized costumes. All of these factors relay negative effects on minorities and facilitate intercultural barriers. In western cultures specifically, such as Canada and the United States, sports and other forms of entertainment are all a part of the patriotic Grand Narratives of the culture. What often goes unnoticed is the cultural appropriation attached to this form of representation. Specifically looking at sports teams; logos, mascots and more often include elements of American Indian culture (LaRocque et al, 2011). In the eyes of the dominant American culture, there is no issue with this. However, in reality, they have taken something sacred from another culture and used it for their own form of entertainment; as well as something that they now incorporate into their own Grand Narrative. Many people remain ignorant to the fact that dressing inShow MoreRelatedThe Double Standard Of Cultural Appropriation : What Is Wrong With Your Favorite Pop Stars?1474 Words   |  6 PagesThe Double Standard of Cultural Appropriation: What is Wrong With Your Favorite Pop Stars? While adolescents struggle to find their identity in the world, some struggle between two different worlds: firstly) conforming to the behaviors in western society; and secondly) having pride in one’s culture. 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